Category Archives: Review

File Conversion

Recently, Sian Siew posted an article about problem viewing Microsoft Word Document on non-MS viewer (such as Open Office). The way he suggested is to convert the doc file to pdf. But his suggestion require you to install some software … Continue reading

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The New Google Reader!

Google finally updated their web-based RSS Reader! The previous version of Google is just waayyyy to sucks. I have no idea why Google can come out with something like this. The old Google Reader The new version of Reader is … Continue reading

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Windows Live Writer

Microsoft just released a blog authoring tool not too long ago. This tool is Windows Live Writer, which is part of Microsoft’s Windows Live family. Windows Live Writer (WLW) is a WYSIWYG blog authoring tool. So, what you edited in … Continue reading

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Writely Review

This is my mini review on Writely. Once you login, you’ll see a list of documents that you recently use. The interface is simple and clean. There is no ad at the site, but this may change in the future. … Continue reading

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