Square-Enix’s New MMORPG: Concerto Gate

Square-Enix (Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest) is going to release a new MMORPG, which is Concerto Gate. From the screen shot, the game is a bit RO-ish (Ragnarok Online). The game is currently under going beta stage which will end on April. Some of the features of the game are:

  • 34 selectable characters (17 males)
  • Hair switching
  • Skin color, eyes, mouth and height
  • 50 types of equipments
  • etc…

Pic after the jump.

Concerto Gate Concerto Gate Concerto Gate Concerto Gate Concerto Gate Concerto Gate Concerto Gate

Introducing Square-Enix’s new online game: Concerto Gate
魔力续作《Concerto Gate》系统解析 [Google Translate]

About HMMaster

I'm just an IT guy working in the IT world. I love to explore new things and the web is the best way to explore!
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One Response to Square-Enix’s New MMORPG: Concerto Gate

  1. Ben Anderson WT says:

    This is game looks so cool.

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