Monthly Archives: December 2007

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all the visitor of my website!

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Official Weighted Companion Cube Plush

If you have played Portal, you would probably know this already. This plush is priced at USD29.99, which I think is waaayyy overpriced! But to my surprise, it sold out within 1 day! I don’t know why people would pay … Continue reading

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Forum Relaunched!

Yes! The forum is finally back! Guess that I can’t wait for phpBB to release the final version of the board. -_- I think it gonna take ages for them to release the final version. For now, I’ll just stick … Continue reading

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Filtered Digg RSS Feed

Since I’m not from US, I’m not interested in their politics. Recently, there have been a lot of submissions at Digg that related to the upcoming 2008 US election. Since there are a lots of Ron Paul supporter in Digg, … Continue reading

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