Apple just announced their new MacBook series, which is the MacBook Air. The MacBook Air is the thinnest notebook in the world with the thickness of 1.93cm (when closed). I thought the MacBook was pretty thin, but this one is even thinner!
But of course there are some sacrifices for this thinnest. The MBA is lack of built-in optical drive, slow hard disk, no Ethernet port, not user upgrade-able (everything is sealed inside) and also the price tag, USD1799! (around RM5900) For this price tag, you can get a Dell XPS M1330 with better spec, but slightly thicker.
The system specification of the MacBook Air is after the jump.
Display: 13.3″ LCD Widescreen
Graphic: Intel GMA X3100 (built-in with shared memory)
Storage: 80GB PATA (optional: 64GB SSD)
Processor: 1.6Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo (optional: 1.8Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo)
Memory: 2GB DDR2
Networking: wireless 802.11n/g/b/a
Battery life: 5hrs
Others: Multi touch track pad, iSight camera