I have some Writely invites to give away. So, if you are interested, leave a comment under this post. Don’t post your email here. I don’t think you want the spambot to harvest your email, right? 😉 (You’ll need to fill in your email when you post a comment, so I’ll know your email) I think I might write a short review later, or maybe I’ll wait for shockw@ve to write one. 😛
For those who don’t know what Writely: Writely is an online word processor by Google. As the usual stuff that offered by Google (GMail, GCalendar, etc), Writely is using AJAX. And you can share the document with other friends using the collaborator function. I’ll explain more in my ‘review’ later.
Thanks in advance for the invite!!
Hi Khim,
please invite me, k?
thanks in advance.
Hi Khim, I got the invitation already liao…
thanks anyway,